The ever-changing world of technology is seeping into each area of life, including work spaces and even the Church.

This priest has conducted compelling interviews with experts and compiled them in this book to try to discover how technology is truly affecting tech companies, advertising agencies, media corporations, and many more.

FR. PHILIP LARREY Author, Connected World:

"We're trying to design technology so that it becomes more and more adaptable to the human persona and not the other way around. And there are many, many other values. Transparency, honesty, maintaining privacy, the security of data, not only personal but also corporate companies that are very vulnerable to hacks or to leaks".

Having the person to be at the center of technology, so this was the idea of design. These values in technology are all being combined in what they call the "Charter of Digital Values", which will be presented at an event in Rome next October. As of now, the professionals are all discussing what these values are, especially within their own field.

MARCELLA LOGLI General Director, TIM Foundation:

"I believe that technology is not a cure-all, it does not resolve every problem, but surely it helps the sharing and mixed practice of values".

This can, in some way, contribute to the improvement of our time. Through improved environmental sustainability, safer schools, and the possibility to navigate the web in a more secure way. To welcome, receive and share with immigrants. Crowdfunding that permits us to take advantage of social projects and give access to those without resources. These virtues are at the core of Christianity itself, and even the pope himself often speaks about ones like honesty, care of the environment, and welcoming refugees.

DERRICK DE KERCKHOVE Professor, University of Toronto:

"The point is, the values, the core values that we're talking about, those are the ones that are best supported by a new kind of sensibility that's putting itself in place. Little by little, with a whole lot of breaks to it and so on. But, I think, that eventually, the values that will win to survive are the Catholic, Christian values".

It's no doubt that technology is here to stay. Now, the struggle is just finding the right ways to use the system to benefit society and humanity and not to cause harm.