Saturday 9 November 2019 at 12.00 in the Clementine Hall, the Holy Father Francis will confer the RATZINGER AWARD.
Please Click Here to view the program of the Event Premio RATZINGER 2019
Fr. Philip Larrey is one of the many guests invited to this exclusive gathering.
The Vatican Foundation, established by Pope Benedict XVI in March 2010, aims at scientific and cultural goals aimed at promoting the study of theology, with particular reference to Sacred Scripture, Patristics and the Sacred Arts.
The Foundation actively collaborates with the Joseph Ratzinger-Papst Benedikt XVI - Stiftung of Munich and with the Institut Papst Benedikt XVI in Regensburg.
The aims of the Foundation are mainly:
1. The promotion of the study of theology, through the assignment of scholarships.
2. The organization of conferences of high cultural and scientific value. This year the conference took place at the Catholic University Pázmány Péter in Budapest, on the theme "The economic, social and spiritual situation of the countries of Central Europe in the light of the Social Doctrine of the Church", on 8 and 9 October.
3. The awarding of scholars who have distinguished themselves for particular merits in the activity of publication, in scientific research, or in artistic production:
• 2011 Prof. Olegario González de Cardedal - Rev. Maximilian Heim, O.Cist. - Prof. Manlio Simonetti
• 2012 P. Brian Edward Daley S.J. - Prof. Rémi Brague
• 2013 Prof. Richard Burridge - Dr. Christian Schaller
• 2014 Prof. Waldemar Chrostowski - Prof. Anne-Marie Pelletier
• 2015 P. Mário De França Miranda S.J. - Prof. Nabil El-Khoury
• 2016 Mons. Prof. Inos Biffi - Prof. Ioannis Kourempeles
• 2017 Prof. Theodor Dieter - Rev. Prof. Karl-Heinz Menke - M ° Arvo Pärt
• 2018 Prof. Marianne Schlosser - Arch. Mario Botta